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Maritime Lebanese Exports Bridge Program

The Maritime Lebanese Exports Bridge (M.LEB) Program was launched by IDAL in 2015 following a Council of Ministers decision (Resolution No.1, dated 02.07.2015) and terminated in 2018.


The M.LEB Program aimed at giving IDAL a treasury credit of 21 Billion LBP to cover a part of the cost of Lebanese products exported to Arab countries by sea and consisted of subsidizing the difference between land-route transport costs and maritime transport costs for both agricultural and industrial exports.


The M.LEB Program lied on three main pillars:

  • Contributing in opening a regular shipping line between the Lebanese ports and the target markets for the transportation of Lebanese exports by sea
  • Facilitating the transport of about 35 trucks a day loaded with Lebanese agricultural, industrial, and agro-food products to key target markets
  • Granting a direct subsidy for each truck transporting Lebanese products to the target countries across the sea, and using vessels of various forms (RORO) or (ROPax), depending on the shipping lines, either directly through the Suez Canal or indirectly through the Egyptian ports


To download the M.LEB Program document, please click here.


Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports are developed by IDAL to highlights results and achievements of the M.LEB Program. More specifically these reports contain information on export performance and growth by product, analysis on fluctuation and trends.


To download the M.LEB Reports, please click on the below links:

Get in Touch
Lazarieh Tower, 4th Floor, Emir Bechir Street, Riad El-Solh Beirut, Lebanon, P.O.Box 113-7251
+961 1 983306
+961 1 983302